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Like so many Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centres in the UK. we are always in need of financial support. If you would like to support us by arranging your own fundraising event, we would love to hear from you.

We can offer to support you with ideas and planning including advertising your event, here are some ideas for inspiration.




A – abseil, auction, afternoon tea

B – bake sale, bike ride, bad tie day, bungee jump

C – car boot sale, cricket match, curry night

D – dress down day, disco, darts competition

E – Easter egg hunt, egg and spoon race

F – fancy dress day, football tournament, film night

G – garden party, games night, golf day

H – head shave, honesty box, horse racing night

I – Irish night, ironing service, It’s a Knockout competition

J – jazz evening, jumble sale, job swap

K – karaoke night, keep fit-a-thon

L – ladies night, lent challenge, litter pick

M – marathon, masked ball, mini Olympics

N – non-uniform day, name the teddy, New Year’s Eve party

O – office sweepstake, open garden, obstacle course

P – parachute jump, pub quiz, plant sale

Q – quiz night

R – raffle, rowing, recycling

S – sponsored silence, swimming, scavenger hunt

T – talent show, treasure hunt, tombola

U – unwanted gift sale, University Challenge, uniform day

V – variety show, vehicle rally, vintage day

W – wine and cheese evening, wacky hair day, waxing

X – Xmas fete, Xmas card sale, Xmas carol singing

Y – yoga-thon, yo-yo competition, yodelling competition

Z – zumba-thon, zip wire, zorbing


Create your own fundraising page

Would you like to organise your own fundraiser? Give as you live are a great platform to set up and manage donations that get sent directly to us. Please let us know about your plans to see if we can support you in any way. We would love to share news of your fundraiser across our social media channels so please email with all the details or anything that you need to support your event.

Fundraiser- Abseil down Liverpool Cathedral

We are so pleased to have been selected to raise money for by Emma. Emma is bravely taking on the this abseil to raise both awareness and fund for our charity. To read more about Emma’s journey or for details on how to support Emma please click the link below.


Fundraiser- Rachel is taking on a Ultra Marathon 50K

Rachel is bravely taking on this Ultra Marathon 50K to raise money for our charity. To support Rachel to meet her goal of raising £250, please visit her just giving page to show your support. What an inspiration!


Rach Wild is fundraising for Rape And Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Cheshire And Merseyside) (

“Rasasc has helped me overcome many obstacles in my life not just concerning my abuse but many others, I always feel listened to and they have helped me make decisions about my life I wouldn’t have normally been able to make previously. ”


Survivor of sexual abuse, aged 39