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Self-help Online Support Programmes


Here at RASASC Cheshire and Merseyside, we are pleased to offer two self-help online programmes to all of our clients to help aid you in your recovery. We have a course specifically designed for adults called Taste of Recovery and a course tailored for those who play a pivotal role in supporting children and young people, who have experienced sexual abuse.



Taste of Recovery with RASASC



Taste of Recovery with RASASC is a new online guided self-help independent programme that you can complete in your own time and at your own pace.

The programme has been developed by Emily Jacob of ReConnected Life in response to her own personal experience of sexual trauma. The programme aims to help you to identify the effects of sexual trauma, to develop coping strategies and to improve your emotional wellbeing.


Taste of Recovery with RASASC self-help programme includes:

  • 15 short daily sessions to support you in your recovery from sexual trauma that can help you to work through and understand any questions, confusions and emotions you may be experiencing and help you to reclaim your sense of control, rebuild self-worth and learn to heal.
  • Almost 4 hours of video content – also available as audio-only downloads
  • Over 40 different techniques or tips
  • 3 x downloadable and printable workbooks
  • Creation of your own safe place meditation with personalised mantra
  • Daily wellbeing practices
  • Lifetime access to the learning


What is Taste of Recovery?

It’s an online tool that RASASC are offering to survivors of sexual violence. It looks at the common responses to trauma, and suggests techniques for coping. Think of it as a self-help tool, that will assist you towards a happier, more confident life, free from abuse.


Who is Emily and ReConnected Life?

Emily Jacob is a survivor who started ReConnected Life to support other survivors to reconnect with their minds, their bodies, their hopes and dreams. Emily designed Taste of Recovery and offers other online support and one-to-one coaching.


Who can use Taste of Recovery?

The resources have been designed for survivors of sexual violence and abuse. Some of the materials have been written for a female viewpoint, but the resources can be used by survivors of any gender.

Please remember that under the terms and conditions and license that is granted to RASASC to use these materials, you may only use them for your own personal purposes. If you want to share the materials with others, please ask them to contact us for access, or if they are not a RASASC client, to contact Emily Jacob at ReConnected Life directly at


Can I go through all the lessons in one go?

All the resources are available to you as soon as you first log in. We encourage you to work through the tool at a steady pace. There are five lessons per module, so you could watch one video a day, and take the weekend off. Work at a pace that’s right for you. Feel free to dip in and out and take breaks. You can also revisit previous lessons.


How do I write in the workbooks?

Both PDF and Word documents are provided for you. You can read the workbooks online, but to write in the boxes you will need to either download and print the PDF (to write by hand), or download and open the Word document (to type into the boxes).


Why is it called Taste of Recovery?

Emily says, “I know that Recovery isn’t always a destination we can get to and we all have very different definitions of what Recovery means to us. I do also know that when I was deep in the abyss I absolutely needed to believe I wouldn’t always be there, that there would be a very different reality out there, somewhere, where I could feel in control of my sanity again, where I could trust myself, where I could trust the world, and trust life. And it is with that in mind that I created Taste of Recovery: to give us all that hope when in the abyss that it won’t always be that way. Taste of Recovery gives a taste of what not being in the abyss might feel like. And when the tools and techniques are applied consistently over time, the abyss itself moves further into the distance. My intention is that the tools and techniques included here help you taste not just a morsel of what life can be like out of the abyss, but that they open up a whole smorgasbord of tastes and experiences for you. With love.”


How can I give you feedback?

We’d love to hear how you’re finding the tool, whether it’s a compliment, a criticism or a suggestion. The best way to give feedback is to email



How do I access Taste of Recovery with RASASC?


It’s simple!…Taste of Recovery with RASASC is available free of charge to all RASASC clients aged 18+. (This includes previous and current clients)


Simply email, we will then contact you with your username and password and you can start straight away or at your convenience.


We hope you will find Taste of Recovery with RASASC a helpful source of support in your journey to recovery.



Supporting your Child- Programme for Parents and Carers


This FREE course is for those who play pivotal roles in supporting children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse. There are a series of videos that are split into four sections:


1. Understanding the impact of sexual abuse and recognising trauma responses within children


2. Self-care for the caregiver: considering ways of managing the impact of supporting children who are struggling with the effects of sexual abuse


3. Creating emotionally safe environments for children: ways of strengthening relationships and a sense of connectedness


4. Supporting and teaching emotional regulation to children.


The course is designed for a person to completely go at their own pace. There are no tests, no homework, and no time limit to complete this course. It is not meant to bombard or overload anyone with information, it is more a series of informative videos for a person to have a look through whenever they can set some time aside to do so.


You may decide to access the videos from start to finish or you may prefer to watch a certain video that most relates to you at this moment. Throughout the course, you will also find links to additional resources and options of support both for yourself as caregivers and for your children. To access the course, simply click  on the videos below.


Parent Course- Overview


Parent Course- Part 1


Parent Course- Part 2


Parent Course- Part 3


Parent Course- Part 4


We hope you find watching the video’s useful. Once you have watched all of the videos, we would love to hear your thoughts. Please use this short evaluation to tell us if the course helped you. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on or call us on 0330 363 0063


Evaluation form-