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Useful websites

Sources of Information


Against Rape – Black Women’s Action Project & Women Against Rape. Information on struggles against rape, domestic violence, racist sexual assault, and seeking asylum after rape.


End Violence Against Women – a coalition of individuals and organisations who are calling on the Government, public bodies and others to take concerted action to end violence against women.


The Home Office – The official Home Office site with links to the government’s latest statistics and initiatives for sexual and domestic violence.


Million Women Rise – a coalition of women and representatives from the Women’s Voluntary and Community Sector who have come together to organise a national demonstration against male violence.


Rights of Women – a women’s voluntary sector organisation which provides free legal advice and information to women affected by sexual violence. Advice line information can be found through this link.


Truth About Rape – a group that campaigns to challenge myths about rape and bring the truth and realities of rape back onto the public agenda.


Womankind – helping women worldwide improve their lives.


Women’s National Commission – bringing the informed voice of women to government, especially women who may not represented by mainstream organisations.



“So pleased that there is help for people.  It has helped me a lot because you believed in me and haven’t judged me.  You understood what sexual violence can do to someone.  You’ve been great.  I wouldn’t have been able to go through this without your support. ”


Survivor of sexual violence, aged 62